Ever felt your mind go blank in an interview, despite knowing you're perfect for the role? While everyone experiences pre-interview jitters, for some people interview anxiety can be paralysing—turning capable professionals into nervous wrecks or causing them to avoid career opportunities altogether.

It's particularly frustrating when you know you could excel at the job, but anxiety prevents you from showing your true potential during that crucial hour. Unlike other skills, interviews are hard to practice—they're infrequent, high-stakes situations where meaningful feedback is rare.

While interview anxiety often appears alongside social anxiety disorder, they're not necessarily linked. You can be confident in other social situations yet still struggle specifically with interviews, usually due to the intense scrutiny and evaluation involved. However, it forms part of the social anxiety realm as the primary fear is in relation to what other people think.

Here's the good news: while these fears are entirely normal, they don't have to hold back your career. With professional support, you can learn to manage interview anxiety and showcase your true capabilities when it matters most.

About Interview Anxiety

Symptoms of Interview Anxiety

  • Worry and stress ahead of any interview that is significantly impactful.

  • Fear and worry about doing something that will be embarrassing, such as blushing, saying something 'stupid' sweating or seeming incompetent. ​

  • A sense of the spotlight on you and self-consciousness to the point you find it hard to think about the questions asked.

  • Feeling unable to focus on the tasks and questions because the anxiety and stress is consuming you.

  • Fear of failing, or being criticised and ridiculed.

  • Physical symptoms that can occur before, during and after: brain freeze, dry mouth, heart palpitations, feeling zoned out, shaking, choking up, panic attacks, sweating and more.

Female, 24

“I was stuck in the cycle of my brain freezing, panicking about that, then feeling more anxious, and then having even more physical symptoms. It was powerful to see my internal experience does not match the external, which has put my mind at ease significantly.”

College manager

“Thank you for the workshop. The job market pressures are creating more anxiety than ever in our students. The feedback was that they found it really helpful and we have sent them out the guides you provided so they have the skills for life.”

Want to work with me on overcoming interview anxiety or organise a workshop for your company or college?