Performance Anxiety: Breaking Free from Performance Pressure
Do you experience overwhelming anxiety when you need to perform or demonstrate your abilities? Whether it's giving a presentation, competing in sports, performing on stage, or taking a test, performance anxiety can prevent you from showing your true capabilities and reaching your full potential.
What is Performance Anxiety?
Performance anxiety, also known as stage fright or performance fear, occurs when fear and nervous energy interfere with your ability to perform tasks under observation or pressure. While some nervous energy can enhance performance, excessive anxiety can be debilitating and impact your success.
Signs and Symptoms
Physical Symptoms:
Racing heart before or during performance
Trembling hands or shaking
Dry mouth and difficulty speaking
Sweating excessively
Nausea or stomach issues
Shortness of breath
Muscle tension
Vision changes or tunnel vision
Voice changes or trembling
Mental and Emotional Signs:
Mind going blank during performance
Difficulty concentrating
Racing thoughts
Fear of failure
Perfectionist thinking
Anticipatory anxiety
Self-doubt and criticism
Memory lapses
Loss of confidence
Impact on Different Areas of Life
Professional Impact:
Limited career advancement
Missed presentation opportunities
Underperformance in interviews
Difficulty showcasing skills
Reduced leadership opportunities
Workplace stress and anxiety
Career path limitations
Performance Areas Affected:
Public speaking and presentations
Artistic performances (music, dance, theater)
Sports and athletic competition
Academic testing and examinations
Job interviews and work evaluations
Creative expression
Professional demonstrations
Auditions and tryouts
Understanding Performance Anxiety's Roots
Common causes include:
Past negative performance experiences
High personal expectations
Perfectionist tendencies
Critical early feedback
Traumatic performance experiences
Learned behavior from role models
Fear of judgment or evaluation
Pressure from others
Competition trauma
Identity attachment to performance
Performance anxiety is also very normal - as humans we’re primed to fear the negative judgement of others. It’s likely we will eer eradicate all anxiety, but bring it down to an amount that feels manageable.
Want to overcome performance anxiety?
Working together, I can help you:
Transform anxiety into positive energy
Build performance confidence
Develop pre-performance routines
Learn anxiety management techniques
Handle pressure effectively
Overcome performance blocks
Build resilience to criticism
Enhance focus under pressure
Create positive performance experiences
Break free from perfectionism